A Dazzling Hillside Abode We Can’t Stop Thinking About

A prominent Park City couple melds their passions for the aesthetic in a stunning, modern home. By Tina Stahlke Lewis A large oil painting by Wyoming artist Matt Flint hangs over the bed in the master suite while a vertical encaustic by Montana artist Shawn Moore...

Explore Art Adventures in Park City and Summit County

Come explore. Arts. Adventure. Awesome. While we’re well-known as a mecca for mountain recreation, there are boundless opportunities to enjoy art, music, film, theater and other cultural events in Park City and Summit County. We’ve compiled an insider’s selection of...

Plein Air Paint Out at The Garden Stroll

…Art Competition and SALE! Join Gallery MAR and invited artists and garden enthusiasts on June 9th at the Park City Nursery for a Plein Air “Paint Out” at the Garden Stroll. The event begins at 3 pm in the garden, when artists will set up their easels and blank...
Art City Focus

Art City Focus

A product of the 19th-century silver mining boom, Park City, Utah, and its Historic Main Street was once littered with saloons, mills and mine buildings. The silver rush brought hundreds of fortune-seeking prospectors to the area that eventually put down roots in one...