Park City, UT – The Park City Gallery Association’s monthly gallery stroll returns with some modifications on Friday, May 29. The event, which had been put on hold due to COVID-19, will run from 5-8 p.m., which is an hour earlier than in the past, and will...
Park City, UT – The Park City Gallery Association is proud to announce, in cooperation with the Park City Summit County Arts Council (PCSCAC) and Park City Area Restaurant Association (PCARA), the first ever Virtual Gallery Stroll this Friday, April 24 starting...
Create PC Arts Council is OVER THE MOON about the new Create PC gallery and studio space on Kearns Blvd (right behind Tupelo)! Starting tomorrow the Arts Council of Park City and Summit County will open our doors to the public. Stop by during our gallery hours to shop...
Summit Gallery: — Upcoming Events Park City, UT – Summit Gallery is proud to present exciting new exhibitions from these outstanding artists. Sense of Place February 14, 2020|6:00-8:00pm – February 15, 2020|12:00-2:00pm Come join us for our opening exhibition of...
Historic Park City Holiday Activities Historic Park City announces 2019 holiday activation on Historic Main Street. The 2019 holiday celebrations kick off immediately following the Thanksgiving holiday with the Park City Gallery Association’s Gallery Stroll Friday,...
Susan Swartz Studios — Artist Reception Susan Swartz Artist Reception | Live music performance by Beaux Ellis Underwood and Allison King Opening Reception: November 30, 2019 from 5:00pm – 7:00pm, Admission: Free Susan Swartz Studios extends a warm invitation to...