Park City Gallery Association - Gallery MAR

Moving Pictures

In honor of the 100th anniversary of film in Utah, this exhibition showcases contemporary artists who explore film as both a medium and a metaphor. Featuring: Rosa Barba, Matthew Barney, Iñaki Bonillas, David Brothers, Gary Hill, Sky Hopinka, Lisa Oppenheim, and Alex Prager
Admission: FREE

Park City Gallery Association - Kimball Art Center


I”Traces” brings together groundbreaking artists who push the boundaries of ceramics as a medium for social, cultural, and material exploration. Featuring: Ashwini Bhat, Jenny Hata Blumenfield, Nicki Green, Raven Halfmoon, Heidi Lau, Brie Ruais, Nicole Seisler, and Bari Ziperstein
Admission: FREE

Kimball Art Center invites you to events and exhibitions at our gallery, 1251 Kearns Blvd, Park City, UT 84060, to enjoy the our exhibitions and events.